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Longest Streak
Question: A streak is the consecutive reoccurance of an event. For example, if you flip a coin twice and it appears head both times, then there is a streak of two heads. Define a function 'streak' that returns the length of the longest streak of a list, as an integer.
q)streak `h`t`h`t`h`h`h`t`t`h`t
q)streak ()
######## solution.q ########
streak:{max deltas where differ[x],1b}
Explanation: A streak ends when the subsequent element is different than the current one. We get the streak-ending positions by using the keyword differ on the list. A 1b is appended to the list afterwards to account for the last element so their streak is not short by 1. The streaks are the differences in each pair of ending positions, because the streaks occur in-between. The keyword deltas computes this and then we return the max.