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Outlier Removal
Question: Outliers are values that vary abnormally from the rest of the values in a pool of values. When performing data analysis, it is sometimes useful to exclude outliers. One method of removing outliers is removing any value that has a z-score greater than 3 or less than -3. Create a function 'ro' that removes outliers from the given vector using the aforementioned technique.
More Information:
q)volume:300 400,100?100j
q)count volume
q)count ro[volume]
######## solution.q ########
ro:{x where 3>=abs %[;dev x] x - avg x}
Explanation: The formula for calculating a z-score is: (value - mean) % std. deviation. Calculate the z-score for every value and select the ones with a absolute z-score less than or equal to 3.